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Arm Lift in Plano, TX

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What is Arm Lift Surgery?

A frustrating side effect when losing weight or getting older is gaining loose skin. At Beyond Beautiful, we offer arm lift surgery (also called brachioplasty) as an intervention for anyone who cannot seem to tighten and tone the arm with diet and exercise. Lax skin from the elbow to the shoulder is very common, particularly for men and women who have lost weight or are advancing in age. An arm lift removes this excess, hanging skin, commonly called "bat wings." Dr. Ho in Plano, TX has been trained in this procedure. If you would like to hear more about how brachioplasty can alter the physique of your upper arms, please call and schedule a consultation at Beyond Beautiful.

Am I A Candidate for an Arm Lift?

An upper arm lift is a cosmetic surgery that features innovative techniques to contour and excise excess skin. If you are tired of hiding your "bat wings" and would prefer them to appear trim and contoured again, you may be a good candidate for arm lift surgery. You should be in overall good health so that your skin will heal well. Some of the primary symptoms for potential arm lift patients are hanging, loose skin on the upper arms, plus minimal tautness of the skin. It is imperative that you are at or near your goal weight before your procedure.

Arm Lift Surgical Technique

Most likely, your upper arm surgery will take place in an outpatient facility unless several plastic surgeries are to be performed at one time. An upper arm lift may be added to other surgeries (often completed in an inpatient setting for monitoring), such as thigh lifts or liposuction — as long as Dr. Ho considers it safe. An arm lift is usually performed with the patient under general anesthesia and can take several hours to finish. The excess skin will be surgically removed, starting at the elbow up to the underarm. The incision will be placed in as inconspicuously as possible, but it will become a visible scar. If liposuction is wanted to remove stubborn pockets of fat, this will be performed also. Once the skin is pulled taut, it will be stitched together. You will have to keep the incisions clean, bandaged, and supported with compression garments.

What Can I Expect After Arm Lift Surgery?

A typical recovery period will last around two weeks with lots of rest. Allow your body time to heal. You use your arms for everything so most patients should slowly make their way back to their normal routines. If needed, a suture removal appointment will be made about ten days following surgery. Compression garments or ace wraps must be worn until you receive permission from Dr. Ho to stop wearing them. For at least 4 – 5 weeks, all strenuous activity must be avoided with the exception of taking short walks. If you notice uncontrolled bleeding, excessive swelling, hematoma (fluid buildup), infection, numbness in the hands or arms, or unusual scarring, please call Beyond Beautiful for assistance.

Arm Lift FAQ

Can I combine an arm lift with other surgeries?

It is common for patients who want an arm lift to create a custom treatment plan with another surgery. This is often known as an upper body lift and may combine liposuction, a breast lift, or tummy tuck. In your consultation with Dr. Holden, complementary surgeries can be discussed to develop your personal treatment plan.

Will there be scars?

An arm lift requires incisions in order to excise loose skin, which means there will be scars from sutures. However, Dr. Holden will make every effort to ensure that your incisions are small and placed in inconspicuous areas. After your arm lift, topical creams to assist in scar healing will be recommended, along with our tips for scar care management. Dr. Holden also recommends you limit UV exposure for at least one year to minimize scar discoloration. In general, patients believe the overall benefits of an arm lift outweigh the appearance of scars.

What results can I expect from an arm lift?

Arm lift surgery is performed to remove loose skin and stubborn pockets of fat. You should follow a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise in order to avoid a dramatic change in your weight, which may undo your surgical results. Following your lift, as soon as your arms are fully healed and Dr. Holden has authorized it, you should begin strength training. This is a good way to improve the shape of your arms by strengthening the muscles.

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Get Back Your Arm Shape

No matter what you call your droopy skin or "bat wings" under your arms, Dr. Ho considers it as an opportunity to change your life with cosmetic surgery. This advanced procedure provides emotional and physical benefits as well. If you are at a healthy, stable weight and still can't eliminate the skin and flab that hang from your arms, please contact us and plan a consultation at Beyond Beautiful. Look and feel fitter and younger with brachioplasty.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.